The Opportunity, Cost, and Benefits of the Coupled Decarbonization of the Power and Transport Sectors in Latin America and the Carribean

The objective of this report is to illustrate the opportunity, costs, and benefits of the coupled decarbonization of the power and transport sectors in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC), which together account for two-thirds of fossil CO2 emissions, and about one-quarter of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the region. These sectors are expected to more than double their emissions under business as usual conditions by mid-century. The intention is to promote awareness on the advantages of a coupled transition and in support of improvements in the Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement (NDC ambitions).

Authors:Jørgen Villy Fenhann, Silvia R. Santos da Silva, Walter Vergara
Published year:2021
Content type:Report
File: Download
Orbit ID:a1155f9c-6867-44ad-a220-bdfae1d3a91c
Is current:Current
No. of pages:144