Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and Pledge Pipeline

The NDC and Pledge Pipeline presents the Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs/NDCs) that are submitted to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

As of September 2018, 153 Parties (180 countries) responsible for 88.8% of the total GHG emissions have ratified the Paris Agreement.

San Marino ratified the Paris Agreement in September 2018, and Nicaragua has submitted their NDC in September 2018.

In this site, it is also possible to find the Cities and Regions Pipeline, which in addition to the country pledges contains 284 pledges from regions and 1991 pledges from cities.

Since the Conference of Parties (COP) meeting in Copenhagen in 2019, UNEP DTU Partnership has published its Pledge Pipeline on UN Environment web-site. Since 2010 this work expanded into the annual release of UN Environment’s “The Emission Gap Report”.

A spreadsheet (“Pledge Pipeline”) can be downloaded from this site. For all countries it contains the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emission (with and without forestry) for the year 1990, 2005, 2010, and the latest year. These historic data is updated every time a country submits a National Communication/Biannual Report to the UNFCCC. The projections of the future GHG emissions made by the countries are shown for the period 2020 to 2050 in 5 year intervals. For these years the Business As Usual (BAU) projection, the high/low pledges %, the GtCO2eq emissions with reductions are shown if available. The projections are updated every time a country updates or submits a new Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the UNFCCC.

The spreadsheet then shows the total GHG emissions with reduction for the global regions Africa, America, Asia & Pacific, Europe & Central Asia, and the Middle East. After adding the GHG emission from international Maritime and aviation the total global emissions for 2020 and 2030 is shown and compared with the global GHG emission levels needed to stay below 2°C. Finally the GHG emission gap is calculated.

Cities and regions are only included in this pipeline, if they have made a commitment to reduce their GHG emissions in 2020 or later.

Other selection criteria’s are: Only regions with a higher commitment than their country are included, and only cities with a higher commitment than their country or region are included.

Finally the additional GHG reductions from the cities and regions above the GHG reduction pledged by their countries are calculated.


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