NAMA Pipeline Analysis and Database

The NAMA Pipeline Analysis and Database contains all submissions to the UNFCCC from developing countries and countries in transition for Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions. It also contains submissions from developed countries on finance for NAMAs.

Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) do not represent a legal obligation under the UNFCCC. NAMAs are voluntary actions taken by developing countries to reduce GHG emissions to levels below those of “Business As Usual” (BAU). NAMAs generally support and are aligned with sustainable development as interpreted by the host country, including any existing Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS).

Three types of NAMA categories exist:

  • NAMAs for recognition that are not requesting foreign investment,
  • NAMAs seeking external support for preparation,
  • and NAMAs seeking external support for implementation.

UNEP DTU Partnership has assisted in the development of many NAMAs.

The NAMA Pipeline spreadsheet, which can be downloaded from our site, has been updated every month since the first NAMA was submitted to the UNFCCC in September 2012. The total number of NAMAs is now 170.  However, the site shows that only a little above 1% of the requested financial support has been offered.

A spreadsheet (“NAMA Pipeline Overview”) can be downloaded from this site that contains all the NAMAs that have been submitted. This Excel workbook contain 20 sheets that describe the main content of the NAMAs: Title, host country, sector, type and sub-type, type of action, technical description, implementing agency, NAMA category, number of projects in each category for each host country, level of implementation, total cost, offered support, amount of requested support in US$, annual emission reduction, Sustainable Development indicators, and transformational aspects.


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