Layout optimization process to minimize the cost of energy of an offshore floating hybrid wind-wave farm

Offshore floating hybrid wind and wave energy is a young technology yet to be scaled up. A way to reduce the total costs of the energy production process in order to ensure competitiveness in the sustainable energy market is to maximize the farm’s efficiency. To do so, an energy generation and costs calculation model was developed with the objective of minimizing the technology’s Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) of the P80 hybrid wind-wave concept, designed by the company Floating Power Plant A/S. A Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm was then implemented on top of other technical and decision-making processes, taking as decision variables the layout, the offshore substation position, and the export cable choice. The process was applied off the west coast of Ireland in a site of interest for the company, and after a quantitative and qualitative optimization process, a minimized LCOE was obtained. It was then found that lower costs of ~73% can be reached in the short-term, and the room for improvement in the structure’s design and materials was highlighted, with an LCOE reduction potential of up to 32%. The model serves usefully as a preliminary analysis. However, the uncertainty estimate of 11% indicates that further site-specific studies and measurements are essential.

Authors:Antonio Pegalajar-Jurado, Bruno M. Brentan, Joaquín Izquierdo, Jorge Izquierdo Pérez, Niels-Erik Clausen, Nis Ebsen
Published year:2020
Content type:Journal article
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Orbit ID:54b56a4d-515a-4801-b503-1f40e1825c32
Is current:Current
No. of pages:22