Institutional aspects of NAMA development and implementation

This publication analyses how developing countries may arrange their institutional and organizational structures or enhance the existing ones in order to deal with these new developments under the international climate change mitigation regime. Focus is on how to ensure the implementation of NAMAs as vehicles for transformative and long lasting change. The publication presents an overview of the institutional challenges continuously posed to the Parties to the Convention when trying to internalize in national legal and regulatory frameworks the decisions during COP negotiations.

Authors:Maryna Karavai, Miriam L. Hinostroza, Sudhir Sharma
Published year:2014
Content type:Book
File: Download
Orbit ID:d8d8b253-fb76-4c3c-8095-71892010ec59
Publisher:UNEP Risø Centre, Technical University of Denmark
Is current:Current
No. of pages:56