Private Sector Engagement in Climate Change Adaptation

This DANIDA-funded project contributes to strengthening the business case for adaptation from a developing country business perspective, with a particular focus on small and medium size enterprises (SMEs), which are particularly vulnerable to climate change.

By drawing on evidence-based learning, new empirical cases, as well as existing scholarly work, the project contributes with diverse and original perspectives, insights and reflections on the role and prospects for the private sector to build climate change resilience.

The project contributes with:

  • A global stocktake and assessment of work within the field of adaptation and private sector. It examines the different roles of private sector in adaptation, and both risk angle (viewing climate change as a risk to business), and the opportunities angle (exploring the business opportunities within resilience). It assess a range of tools available in the public domain for private sector and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, SMEs;
  • Analytical work adding value to a project case in Sri Lanka. The analysis will specifically address the business case and finance aspect of adaptation for SMEs
  • Upscale and replication of tools developed in the Sri Lanka project case to other country contexts

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