Perspectives: Building climate resilience with smaller businesses

Smaller business are the backbone of the economy in developing countries, but they are also hit the hardest by climate change. A new publication looks at how they can adapt and create climate resilience

April 19, 2018

Climate change and the occurrence of more and more extreme weather events, means that adaptation and resilience will play an ever-increasing role. For one of the most important sectors in developing countries however, there is a problematic knowledge and capacity gap.

This latest ‘Perspectives’ volume shares original insights and reflections from a wide range of experts, on the role and prospects for the private sector to build climate change resilience in an attempt to help bridge that gap.

It focuses on the perspectives of micro-, small and medium-size enterprises (MSMEs) in developing countries, which are the backbone of developing country economies and are particularly vulnerable to climate change.

Click to download the publication: Private-sector action in adaptation: Perspectives on the role of micro, small and medium size enterprises.

The UNEP DTU Partnership ‘Perspectives’ Series share expert and practitioners’ opinions and experiences on emerging topics related to climate change.

In this new volume, thirteen articles from a wide range of experts and practitioners dedicated to this emerging but growing area of work, are focusing on the perspectives of MSMEs in developing countries.

Lack of knowledge on how to engage MSMEs

This new volume draws particular attention to the needs, current state of knowledge, critical gaps and mechanisms through which we can build the capacity of MSMEs in developing countries, so that they can adapt to climate change and contribute to the creation of climate resilient pathways.

The Paris Agreement has set ambitious targets for international climate action and there is a need to identify mechanisms through which private sector actors can be engaged– especially in developing countries.

Although many efforts are trying to advance the understanding of how to do this in practice, there are still limited understanding and experiences with many remaining uncertainties.

The focus in this volume of our Perspectives series is on the unique position to develop locally relevant and effective adaptation solutions, that MSMEs are in. They play crucial roles in increasing the resilience of businesses and societies while ensuring economic development.

MSMEs are hit the hardest

MSMEs play a vital role in providing employment, goods and services and are often hubs of entrepreneurship and innovation in developing countries. But as a result of the increasing number of extreme weather events the world is now experiencing, it is often the MSME sector, that is hit the hardest, while also having limited access to support mechanisms.

This ‘Perspectives’ volume provides valuable insights into how diverse actors working at various levels can support MSMEs in their efforts to ensure business continuity.

We hope this publication will provide some momentum in creating dialogue and in generating innovative ideas and tangible actions that can pave the way to the promotion and incentivization of MSME adaptation in developing countries.